What Are the Benefits of Oregano Tea?

Benefits of Oregano Tea

Benefits of Oregano Tea

Oregano tea (also known as wild marjoram) has been traditionally used in cooking and as an herbal medicine. It’s been reported to have many health benefits, including antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal properties, and can be taken in the form of either a tincture or an infused tea. Some people also claim that oregano oil rubbed into the skin can relieve aches and pains and reduce inflammation, although research on these claims is limited at this time.

Cancer Prevention

One test-tube study found that oregano essential oil inhibited cell growth in colorectal cancer cells by more than 20%. Another showed that it exhibited potent anti-cancer effects against melanoma cells and limited ovarian cancer cell proliferation. Research on both humans and rats suggests that oregano’s anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antimicrobial properties can prevent or reduce colon, prostate, ovarian, cervical, breast, and stomach cancers. Further research may reveal additional oregano tea benefits for cancer prevention.

Benefits of Oregano Tea

Antioxidant Protection

Antioxidants are chemical compounds that help protect your body from free radicals, unstable molecules that attack cells. A major source of antioxidants is fruits and vegetables, but some may also be found in herbs and spices like oregano. When applied topically, oregano oil can prevent or heal skin infections. The herb can even be used as a natural insect repellent. In addition to providing antioxidant protection, oregano tea also supports digestive health by soothing an upset stomach. If you’re suffering from an ulcer or indigestion, drinking oregano tea regularly might provide relief.

This effect is due to several active compounds present in dried oregano leaves, including carvacrol and thymol. However, it’s important to note that you should never drink undiluted oregano oil because it could cause severe damage to your esophagus and lungs if swallowed!

For medicinal purposes only, mix about one teaspoon of dried leaves with boiling water for at least five minutes before straining out any pieces of plant matter left behind. Don’t forget to sweeten with honey if desired! A study published in Phytotherapy Research (2013) suggests that oregano tea has significant antioxidant properties, making it a great beverage choice for anyone who wants to reduce their risk of chronic disease.

Additionally, according to Herbal Medicine: Biomolecular and Clinical Aspects (2010), when applied topically, oregano oil has anti-inflammatory properties that can reduce pain caused by rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory conditions.

Due to its antibacterial properties, many people use oregano oil as an alternative treatment for skin infections such as acne and ringworm. Although more research is needed to confirm these findings, applying diluted oil directly onto infected areas has been shown to help speed up healing time while reducing symptoms associated with infection.


Just like oregano’s anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties, it also contains powerful compounds that help fight inflammation. There are numerous reports from people with arthritis and other inflammatory conditions who have experienced pain relief when taking oregano oil supplements. Inflammation is an underlying cause for a variety of diseases, including heart disease and cancer. It makes sense to combat it as soon as possible. And what better way than with antioxidant rich oregano oil!

Immune Support

A general belief is that oregano tea can increase your body’s resistance to disease. Some research suggests that oregano oil, which contains a compound called carvacrol, may reduce symptoms of cold and flu as well as other respiratory tract infections such as bronchitis and pneumonia. 1-3 Studies also show that it may have antimicrobial activity against pathogens like E.


Digestive Aid

There are two reasons why you may want to drink oregano tea. The first is that it’s a good way to get more antioxidants into your system. Antioxidants help reduce inflammation in your body, so having them can be especially beneficial if you suffer from acid reflux or indigestion.

It can also help cleanse your digestive tract and stimulate healthy digestion. Drinking oregano tea is also a great way to boost your immune system and clear up colds or other respiratory issues that crop up during winter months. All of these benefits make drinking oregano tea a good idea if you’re trying to stay healthy year-round. If you have any concerns about taking oregano internally, consult with your doctor before adding it to your diet.

Joint Pain Relief

Using oregano oil for joint pain can be extremely beneficial for a number of people. Those who suffer from joint pain caused by arthritis, as well as those with chronic joint pain from things like a long-term injury or bad posture, will find great relief from using it in their diets.

The health benefits aren’t limited to just relief from existing joint pain; new research has found that using oregano oil for joint pain may also help prevent future problems such as osteoporosis and bone fractures. If you have any type of joint issues and want to do something about them, adding some oregano into your diet may be just what you need!

Better Skin

Many people drink oregano tea for its skin-soothing properties. The antioxidants in oregano oil have antibacterial and antifungal properties that can help with psoriasis, eczema, and other inflammatory skin conditions. It can also reduce itchiness associated with these conditions.

Some users find a mask made from powdered oregano helps clear up acne or smooth out wrinkles; others use oregano as a substitute for chemical products like mouthwash or toothpaste to achieve similar results. No matter how you choose to use it, adding oregano tea to your daily routine is sure to benefit your health.

Of course, just because something might be good for your skin doesn’t mean it’s necessarily safe to put on it. While some anecdotal evidence suggests oregano oil is an effective treatment for both psoriasis and eczema, there are potential side effects linked to consumption of undiluted oregano oil—this kind should only be used externally in small amounts (no more than 1–2 drops at a time) due to its strength.

Always dilute any herbal remedies with water before applying them directly to your face or body. Additionally, if you notice hives after using herbal remedies containing garlic or other plants in the allium family (e.g., onions), do not apply additional products containing those ingredients until consulting with a doctor.

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